The Karoo Winter Wool Festival is more than just a festival – it is a movement that connects people to the source of their fibre and food, showcasing how wool is produced and the entire wool value chain that goes along with it. It is a movement emphasising the importance of using wool and natural fibres which are environmentally friendly and to the benefit of the socio-economic well-being of the South African “platteland” or rural areas, where agriculture plays a vital role. It is a movement growing the crafting and wool industry and inspiring a want to create amongst South Africans. It is a movement that brings wool buyers, brokers, designers and consumers out to the farm and in contact with the farmer.

In partnership with our official partner Cape Wools SA, we will strive to continue to provide a family-friendly and affordable festival with quality and authentic content – aimed at creating awareness and ambassadors for wool and locally produced products. This festival will also continue to expose South Africa to the charming Karoo town of Middelburg – the Wool Mecca of South Africa.

We hope that we will see you again in 2025 – please diarise the dates for next year’s festival which will be taking place from the 3rd to the 5th of July 2025.

Do you want to come and expierence the Karoo - enjoy all the excitement of the Karoo Winter Wool Festival, but you dont know how or where to start planning your trip. We are teaming up with a couple Karoo Tour service providers to build tour packages so that you can expierence the Karoo like never before. 

Budget packages and transport solutions also explored! 

Vendor Applications Are Now Open!

Are you passionate about natural fibres? Would you like to share your story at the 2025 KWWF? Here’s your chance!

Applications for new vendors open today and will close on April 1st or once we reach capacity.

Whether you’re a food vendor, workshop host, designer, artist, or have something unique to offer, we’d love to hear from you! We thrive on collaboration, so don’t hesitate to reach out.

Returning vendors, don’t forget to apply! Stall spaces are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

Food Vendor Applications Are Now Open!

Calling All Karoo Food connoisseurs! 

The Karoo Winter Wool Festival is looking for passionate food vendors to bring the authentic flavors of the Karoo to this year’s festival! If you serve delicious, high-quality food that celebrates local ingredients and warm winter flavors, we want you to be part of this exciting event.

Applications are now open!

Email us at:

Don’t miss this opportunity to showcase your food at one of the Karoo’s most anticipated festivals! 

Rediscovering Wool, Rediscovering the Karoo! 
More information about KWWF 2025 comming soon! In the meantime, take a look at everything that people are saying about their time at the 2024 and 2023 Karoo Winter Wool Festival

*Festival Photos by Samantha Reinders